[Eisfair] Danke!
Fabian Törner
toerner at gmx.net
Do Jun 19 13:14:36 CEST 2014
Hallo zusammen,
Am 21.05.2014 21:04, schrieb Fabian Törner:
>> Als Fake würde ich einfach mal eine private Adresse nehmen. Vllt klappt
>> es ja und es wird niemand auf eine kuriose Seite geleitet. :)
> das klappt wunderbar ;)
das alles klappt zwar, reicht aber nicht aus für die Fortbestehung der
Domain :(
--- [Auszug Email] ---
Free Dynamic DNS hosts must be confirmed every 30 days by logging into
your No-IP account and clicking update.
If you are still using XXXXXX.no-ip.biz and do not wish to have it
removed from our system, please click the link below to confirm your
Tired of receiving this notification every 30 days? Upgrade to
Enhanced Dynamic DNS today!
Benefits of Upgrading Include: •Removes 30 day account confirmation — do
not worry about losing your hostname
•Allows you to create up to 25 hostnames
•Removes advertisements on redirects
•Advanced records like SRV, TXT records and domain keys
•Need Help? Awesome Phone Support
Upgrade to Enhanced Dynamic DNS Now and SAVE $5! Coupon Code: EXPIRE5
If you are using our Dynamic Update Client and your IP address has not
changed within the past 30 days, you must manually update your host(s)
to prevent them from being removed from our system.
To learn more about this, please check out this article in our Knowledge
Base Why is my host not updating or why is it pending deletion?
If you are no longer using this host, ignore this message and your host
will be removed automatically. You can also login to your account and
delete the host to prevent further expiration emails.
Replies to this email will not be answered. Have any questions or
comments? Please do not hesitate to open a support ticket or give us a
call at 775.853.1883.
Thank you,
No-IP Technical Support Team
--- [/Auszug Email] ---
Also ich muss spätestens alle 30 Tage auf den o.s. Link (der sich
natürlich ändert) klicken und dann kommt noch so eine blöde captcha
Abfrage zum Bestätigen .... :(
Hat wer von euch dazu evtl. auch noch eine Idee?
Ich denke das wird schwierig werden oder?
Vielen Dank & viele Grüße
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