[Eisfair] [E64] PDF drucken?
Rolf Bensch
azubi at bensch-net.de
Mo Mär 1 09:15:46 CET 2021
Hallo zusammen,
habe die Aufgabe aus der Shell heraus ein PDF auf einem Netzwerkdrucker auszugeben. Wenn ich das richtig sehe, ist das wohl ein GDI-Drucker (Canon Maxify MB5100). Habe ich da irgendwie eine Chance? Ich habe irgendwie die (naive) Vorstellung, dass das mit LPRng funktionieren könnte:
cat /etc/printcap
:filter_options=$P $b $e $j $t $f $n $h $S
lpr -D 1 test.pdf
liefert im Logfile:
2021-03-01-09:01:47 repr1 root at eis64-2.bensch-net.info 2802 KByte
Der Drucker zuckt aber nicht. Im Debug-Output (s.u.) finde ich keinen Hinweis auf einen Fehler. Unter Windows kann ich an die [IP]:9100 erfolgreich raw-Daten schicken. Habe daraufhin versucht den Drucker unter Samba freizugeben:
│ SAMBA_PRINTER_1_TYPE = printcap
Damit wird der Drucker unter Win10 sichtbar, beim Versuch darüber zu drucken gibt's eine Fehlermeldung "Der Drucker antwortet nicht"
Samba ist nicht wirklich das Ziel. Eine direkte Ausgabe aus der Shell heraus wäre mir deutlich lieber. Laut Netz sollte das mit lpr funktionieren.
Was fehlt mir hier zu meinem Glück?
Grüße Rolf
# lpr -D 1 test.pdf
2021-03-01-09:01:46 [6314] Initialize: /dev/null fd 3
2021-03-01-09:01:46 [6314] initsetproctitle: doing setup
2021-03-01-09:01:46 [6314] initsetproctitle: Argv 0x7ffc5d3da9f8, LastArgv 0x7ffc5d3dbfea
2021-03-01-09:01:46 [6314] lpr Setup_uid: OriginalEUID 0, OriginalRUID 0
2021-03-01-09:01:46 [6314] lpr Setup_uid: OriginalEGID 0, OriginalRGID 0
2021-03-01-09:01:46 [6314] lpr Setup_uid: Original RUID/EUID 0/0, RUID/EUID 0/0
2021-03-01-09:01:46.375 [6314] lpr Setup_configuration: starting, Allow_getenv 0
2021-03-01-09:01:46.375 [6314] lpr Setup_configuration: Configuration file '/etc/lpd.conf'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.376 [6314] lpr Setup_configuration: Require_configfiles_DYN '1'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.376 [6314] lpr Get_config: required '1', '/etc/lpd.conf'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.376 eis64-2 [6314] lpr Get_local_host: ShortHost_FQDN=eis64-2, FQDNHost_FQDN=eis64-2.bensch-net.info
2021-03-01-09:01:46.377 eis64-2 [6314] lpr Is_server 0, DaemonUID 7, DaemonGID 7, UID 0, EUID 0, GID 0, EGID 0
2021-03-01-09:01:46.377 eis64-2 [6314] lpr Setup_configuration: Host 'eis64-2.bensch-net.info', ShortHost 'eis64-2', user 'root'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.377 eis64-2 [6314] lpr Build_printcap_info: list->count 0, raw->count 18
2021-03-01-09:01:46.377 eis64-2 [6314] lpr Build_printcap_info: list->count 1, raw->count 0
2021-03-01-09:01:46.377 eis64-2 [6314] lpr Get_parms: LP_mode 0
2021-03-01-09:01:46.377 eis64-2 [6314] lpr Get_parms: option D
2021-03-01-09:01:46.377 eis64-2 [6314] lpr Get_printer: original printer '<NULL>'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.378 eis64-2 [6314] lpr Get_all_printcap_entries: starting
2021-03-01-09:01:46.378 eis64-2 [6314] lpr Select_pc_info: looking for 'all', depth 0
2021-03-01-09:01:46.378 eis64-2 [6314] lpr Select_pc_info: wildcard trying 'repr1'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.378 eis64-2 [6314] lpr Select_pc_info: returning '<NULL>'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.378 eis64-2 [6314] lpr Dump_line_list: Get_all_printcap_entries- All_line_list - 0x67ae50, count 1, max 102, list 0x6a5930
2021-03-01-09:01:46.378 eis64-2 [6314] lpr [ 0] 0x6a6810 ='repr1'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.378 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: Get_printer: final printer 'repr1'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.378 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: Fix_Rm_Rp_info: printer name 'repr1'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.379 eis64-2 [6314] lpr Reset_config: starting
2021-03-01-09:01:46.379 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: Select_pc_info: looking for 'repr1', depth 0
2021-03-01-09:01:46.379 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: Find_pc_info: found name 'repr1'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.379 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: Select_pc_info: returning 'repr1'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.379 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: Fix_Rm_Rp_info: VAR ppd= '<NULL>'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.379 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: Fix_Rm_Rp_info: Printer 'repr1', Queue 'repr1', Lp '<NULL>', Rp 'repr1', Rh 'localhost'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.379 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: lpr: Lpr_opts_DYN '<NULL>', argc 4
2021-03-01-09:01:46.379 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: Make_job: before checking format ''
2021-03-01-09:01:46.379 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: Make_job: after checking format 'f'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.379 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: Make_job: 'qq' flag 0, queue 'repr1', force_queuename '<NULL>'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.380 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: lpr: send_to_pr '<NULL>'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.380 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: *** Job lpr - before Fix_control *** - 0x7ffc5d3da6a0
2021-03-01-09:01:46.380 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: info - 0x7ffc5d3da8a0, count 9, max 102, list 0x6a7780
2021-03-01-09:01:46.380 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [ 0] 0x6a69e0 ='C=A'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.380 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [ 1] 0x6a6d80 ='copies=0x1'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.380 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [ 2] 0x6803b0 ='file_hostname=eis64-2.bensch-net.info'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.380 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [ 3] 0x6a6640 ='format=f'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.380 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [ 4] 0x6a84e0 ='H=eis64-2.bensch-net.info'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.380 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [ 5] 0x6a5c70 ='J=test.pdf'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.380 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [ 6] 0x6a6910 ='number=314'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.380 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [ 7] 0x6a6660 ='P=root'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.381 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [ 8] 0x6a6520 ='priority=A'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.381 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: datafiles - count 1
2021-03-01-09:01:46.381 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: datafile[0] - 0x6a64a0, count 6, max 102, list 0x6a7ac0
2021-03-01-09:01:46.381 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [ 0] 0x6a6400 ='copies=0x1'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.381 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [ 1] 0x6a8860 ='dftransfername=test.pdf'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.381 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [ 2] 0x6a88c0 ='format=f'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.381 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [ 3] 0x6a8880 ='N=test.pdf'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.381 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [ 4] 0x6a8840 ='openname=test.pdf'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.381 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [ 5] 0x6a88a0 ='size=2870153'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.381 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: destination - 0x7ffc5d3da8c0, count 0, max 0, list 0x0
2021-03-01-09:01:46.381 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: *** end ***
2021-03-01-09:01:46.381 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: *** Job lpr - after Fix_control *** - 0x7ffc5d3da6a0
2021-03-01-09:01:46.382 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: info - 0x7ffc5d3da8a0, count 13, max 102, list 0x6a7780
2021-03-01-09:01:46.382 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [ 0] 0x6a8cc0 ='A=root at eis64-2+314'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.382 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [ 1] 0x6a69e0 ='C=A'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.382 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [ 2] 0x6a9400 ='cf_out_image=Heis64-2.bensch-net.info
Aroot at eis64-2+314
2021-03-01-09:01:46.383 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [ 3] 0x6a6850 ='cftransfername=cfA314eis64-2.bensch-net.info'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.383 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [ 4] 0x6a6d80 ='copies=0x1'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.383 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [ 5] 0x6a8df0 ='datafile_count=1'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.383 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [ 6] 0x6803b0 ='file_hostname=eis64-2.bensch-net.info'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.383 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [ 7] 0x6a6640 ='format=f'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.383 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [ 8] 0x6a84e0 ='H=eis64-2.bensch-net.info'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.383 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [ 9] 0x6a5c70 ='J=test.pdf'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.383 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [10] 0x6a8ca0 ='number=314'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.383 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [11] 0x6a6660 ='P=root'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.384 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [12] 0x6a6520 ='priority=A'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.384 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: datafiles - count 1
2021-03-01-09:01:46.384 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: datafile[0] - 0x6a64a0, count 6, max 102, list 0x6a7ac0
2021-03-01-09:01:46.384 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [ 0] 0x6a6400 ='copies=0x1'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.384 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [ 1] 0x6a91f0 ='dftransfername=dfA314eis64-2.bensch-net.info'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.384 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [ 2] 0x6a88c0 ='format=f'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.384 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [ 3] 0x6a8880 ='N=test.pdf'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.384 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [ 4] 0x6a8840 ='openname=test.pdf'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.384 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [ 5] 0x6a88a0 ='size=2870153'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.384 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: destination - 0x7ffc5d3da8c0, count 0, max 0, list 0x0
2021-03-01-09:01:46.384 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: *** end ***
2021-03-01-09:01:46.384 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: *** Job Send_job- starting *** - 0x7ffc5d3da6a0
2021-03-01-09:01:46.385 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: info - 0x7ffc5d3da8a0, count 13, max 102, list 0x6a7780
2021-03-01-09:01:46.385 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [ 0] 0x6a8cc0 ='A=root at eis64-2+314'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.385 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [ 1] 0x6a69e0 ='C=A'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.385 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [ 2] 0x6a9400 ='cf_out_image=Heis64-2.bensch-net.info
Aroot at eis64-2+314
2021-03-01-09:01:46.386 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [ 3] 0x6a6850 ='cftransfername=cfA314eis64-2.bensch-net.info'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.386 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [ 4] 0x6a6d80 ='copies=0x1'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.386 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [ 5] 0x6a8df0 ='datafile_count=1'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.386 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [ 6] 0x6803b0 ='file_hostname=eis64-2.bensch-net.info'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.386 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [ 7] 0x6a6640 ='format=f'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.386 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [ 8] 0x6a84e0 ='H=eis64-2.bensch-net.info'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.386 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [ 9] 0x6a5c70 ='J=test.pdf'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.386 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [10] 0x6a8ca0 ='number=314'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.386 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [11] 0x6a6660 ='P=root'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.386 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [12] 0x6a6520 ='priority=A'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.386 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: datafiles - count 1
2021-03-01-09:01:46.387 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: datafile[0] - 0x6a64a0, count 6, max 102, list 0x6a7ac0
2021-03-01-09:01:46.387 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [ 0] 0x6a6400 ='copies=0x1'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.387 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [ 1] 0x6a91f0 ='dftransfername=dfA314eis64-2.bensch-net.info'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.387 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [ 2] 0x6a88c0 ='format=f'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.387 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [ 3] 0x6a8880 ='N=test.pdf'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.387 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [ 4] 0x6a8840 ='openname=test.pdf'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.387 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: [ 5] 0x6a88a0 ='size=2870153'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.387 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: destination - 0x7ffc5d3da8c0, count 0, max 0, list 0x0
2021-03-01-09:01:46.387 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: *** end ***
2021-03-01-09:01:46.387 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: Fix_send_auth: name '<NULL>'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.387 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: Fix_send_auth: no security
2021-03-01-09:01:46.387 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: setstatus: msg 'sending job 'root at eis64-2+314' to repr1 at localhost'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.387 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: setstatus: msg 'connecting to 'localhost', attempt 1'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.387 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: setstatus: msg 'connected to 'localhost''
2021-03-01-09:01:46.387 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: setstatus: msg 'requesting printer repr1 at localhost'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.388 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: setstatus: msg 'sending control file 'cfA314eis64-2.bensch-net.info' to repr1 at localhost'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.388 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: setstatus: msg 'completed sending 'cfA314eis64-2.bensch-net.info' to repr1 at localhost'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.388 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: setstatus: msg 'sending data file 'dfA314eis64-2.bensch-net.info' to repr1 at localhost'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.391 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: setstatus: msg 'completed sending 'dfA314eis64-2.bensch-net.info' to repr1 at localhost'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.391 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: setstatus: msg 'done job 'root at eis64-2+314' transfer to repr1 at localhost'
2021-03-01-09:01:46.391 eis64-2 [6314] lpr repr1: cleanup: done, exit(0)
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