[Fli4l_dev] fli4l-3.10?==?utf-8?Q?.16-r55573-testing / libmkfl?==?utf-8?Q?i4l möglicherweise fehler?==?utf-8?Q?haft?

Jupp Schmitts jschmitts at arcor.de
Mo Apr 22 14:04:40 CEST 2019

B. Sprenger schrieb am Mon, 22 April 2019 11:41
> Hi,
> ich bin kein Experte und kann dir wahrscheinlich auch nicht helfen.
> Ich vermute mal, dass auch niemand anderes ohne die Kenntnis deiner
> Konfiguration helfen kann.
> schnipp
> >     The file config-1/mkfli4l.txt contains errors.
> >     Please check the contents of this file and try again.
> Da steht es eigentlich.
> Also schau dir mal diese Datei an.
> Ansonsten poste die Base.txt und mkfli4l.txt

Bisher hab ich an der Datei mkfli4l.txt keinerlei Änderungen
vorgenommen. Hätte ich das
müssen? Ich kann hier derzeit nur schildern, wie ich bisher vorgegangen

- alle Pakete mit get_tarball_weekly heruntergeladen und auf meinem NAS
- aktuelle Version auf mein Laptop kopiert
- Konfigurationsdateien angepasst.
- mkfli4l config-1 ausgeführt

## fli4l 3.10.16-r55573-testing - configuration for fli4l build
## You can edit/change this file with any text editor.
##        P L E A S E   R E A D   T H E   D O C U M E N T A T I O N ,
##                      S E E   R E A D M E . T X T
##        B I T T E  U N B E D I N G T   D I E   D O K U M E N T A T I O
##              L E S E N ,  S I E H E   R E A D M E . T X T
## Creation:     2004-10-20  lanspezi
## Last Update:  $Id: mkfli4l.txt 43811 2016-01-07 17:31:01Z florian $
## Copyright (c) 2004-2016 - fli4l-Team <team at fli4l.de>

## to use the optional parameters for the fli4l-build-process uncomment
## the variables to set a default value - these can always be overridden
## commandline options passed to mkfli4l.[sh/bat]

#BUILDDIR='build'               # directory for fli4l files

VERBOSE='no'                    # set to "yes" to activate verbose

#FILESONLY='yes'                # set to "yes" to only create the
                                # e.g. no iso-image, no

REMOTEUPDATE='no'               # set to "yes" to activate remote
REMOTEHOSTNAME=''               # hostname of remote host - default is
value of
                                # var hostname in <config-dir>/base.txt
REMOTEUSERNAME='fli4l'          # username on the remotehost
REMOTEPATHNAME='/boot'          # pathname on the remotehost
REMOTEPORT='22'                 # portnumber of sshd on remotehost
SSHKEYFILE=''                   # path to your ssh-keyfile
REMOTEREMOUNT='no'              # set to "yes" to remount /boot rw if
                                # running version has a readonly mounted

#TFTPBOOTPATH=''                # path to the image for tftp-boot
#TFTPBOOTIMAGE=''               # filename of image for tftp-boot
#PXESUBDIR=''                   # subdir for pxe-files

#SQUEEZE_SCRIPTS='yes'          # squeeze/compress shell-scripts

#MKFLI4L_DEBUG_OPTION=''        # debug-option for mkfli4l-program

## For Windows systems only:
DISABLE_OPTION_GUI='no'         # disables the GUI to change
                                # interactive

## fli4l 3.10.16-r55573-testing - configuration for package "base"
##  P L E A S E  R E A D  T H E  D O C U M E N T A T I O N !
##  B I T T E  U N B E D I N G T  D I E  D O K U M E N T A T I O N  L E
S E N !
## Creation:     26.06.2001  fm
## Last Update:  $Id: base.txt 55559 2019-04-04 19:48:10Z florian $
## Copyright (c) 2001-2016 - Frank Meyer, fli4l-Team <team at fli4l.de>
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.

# General settings:
HOSTNAME='fli4l'                # name of fli4l router
PASSWORD='fli4l'                # password for root login (console,
                                # imond)
BOOT_TYPE='cd'                  # boot device: hd, cd, ls120,
                                # attached, netboot, pxeboot
LIBATA_DMA='enabled'            # Use DMA on ATA Drives ('enabled') or
                                # ('disabled'). The default 'disabled'
                                # ancient IDE CF cards to be booted
                                # Use 'enabled' if you boot from a
                                # virtual device.
MOUNT_BOOT='rw'                 # mount boot device: ro, rw, no
BOOTMENU_TIME='5'               # waiting time of bootmenu in seconds
                                # before activating normal boot
                                # description of local time zone,
                                # don't touch without reading
KERNEL_VERSION='3.16.65'        # kernel version
KERNEL_BOOT_OPTION=''           # append option to kernel command line
COMP_TYPE_OPT='xz'              # compression algorithm if compression
                                # enabled for OPT archive;
                                # NOTE that some boot types may
                                # some compression algorithms
IP_CONNTRACK_MAX=''             # override maximum limit of connection
                                # tracking entries
POWERMANAGEMENT='acpi'          # select pm interface: none, acpi, apm,
                                # apm_rm switches to real mode before
                                # apm power off

# Localisation
LOCALE='de'                     # defines the default language for
                                # components, such as httpd

# Console settings (serial console, blank time, beep):
CONSOLE_BLANK_TIME=''           # time in minutes (1-60) to blank
                                # console; '0' = never, '' = system
BEEP='yes'                      # enable beep after boot and shutdown
SER_CONSOLE='no'                # use serial interface instead of or as
                                # additional output device and main
                                # device
SER_CONSOLE_IF='0'              # serial interface to use, 0 for ttyS0
SER_CONSOLE_RATE='9600'         # baudrate for serial console

# Debug Settings:
DEBUG_STARTUP='no'              # write an execution trace of the boot

# Keyboard layout
KEYBOARD_LOCALE='auto'          # auto: use most common keyboard layout
                                # the language specified in 'LOCALE'
#OPT_MAKEKBL='no'               # set to 'yes' to make a new local
                                # layout map on the fli4l-router

# Ethernet card drivers:
#  please see file base_nic.list in your config-dir or read the
#  If you need a dummy device, use 'dummy' as your NET_DRV
#  and IP_NET_%_DEV='dummy<number>' as your device
NET_DRV_N='1'                   # number of ethernet drivers to load,
usually 1
NET_DRV_1='e1000'               # 1st driver: name (e.g. NE2000 PCI
NET_DRV_1_OPTION=''             # 1st driver: additional option
NET_DRV_2='ne'                  # 2nd driver: name (e.g. NE2000 ISA
NET_DRV_2_OPTION='io=0x320'     # 2nd driver: additional option

# Ether networks used with IP protocol:
IP_NET_N='2'                    # number of IP ethernet networks,
usually 1
IP_NET_1=''       # IP address of your n'th ethernet card
                                # netmask in CIDR (no. of set bits)
IP_NET_1_DEV='eth0'             # required: device name like ethX


# Additional routes, optional
IP_ROUTE_N='0'                  # number of additional routes
                                # network/netmaskbits gateway
                                # example for default-route

# Packet filter configuration

PF_INPUT_POLICY='REJECT'        # be nice and use reject as policy
PF_INPUT_ACCEPT_DEF='yes'       # use default rule set
PF_INPUT_LOG='no'               # don't log at all
PF_INPUT_LOG_LIMIT='3/minute:5' # log 3 events per minute; allow a burst
of 5
                                # events
PF_INPUT_REJ_LIMIT='1/second:5' # reject 1 connection per second; allow
a burst
                                # of 5 events; otherwise drop packet
                                # reject 1 udp packet per second; allow
a burst
                                # of 5 events; otherwise drop packet
PF_INPUT_N='1'                  # number of INPUT rules
PF_INPUT_1='tmpl:ssh ACCEPT'    # allow all hosts in the local network
                                # access the router
PF_INPUT_2='tmpl:samba DROP NOLOG'
                                # drop (or reject) samba access
PF_INPUT_2_COMMENT='no samba traffic allowed'
                                # without logging, otherwise the log
file will
                                # be filled with useless entries

PF_FORWARD_POLICY='REJECT'      # be nice and use reject as policy
PF_FORWARD_ACCEPT_DEF='yes'     # use default rule set
PF_FORWARD_LOG='no'             # don't log at all
                                # log 3 events per minute; allow a burst
of 5
                                # events
                                # reject 1 connection per second; allow
a burst
                                # of 5 events; otherwise drop packet
                                # reject 1 udp packet per second; allow
a burst
                                # of 5 events; otherwise drop packet
PF_FORWARD_N='0'                # number of FORWARD rules
PF_FORWARD_1='tmpl:samba DROP'  # drop samba traffic if it tries to
leave the
                                # subnet
PF_FORWARD_2='IP_NET_1 ACCEPT'  # accept everything else

PF_OUTPUT_POLICY='ACCEPT'       # default policy for outgoing packets
PF_OUTPUT_ACCEPT_DEF='yes'      # use default rule set
PF_OUTPUT_LOG='no'              # don't log at all
                                # log 3 events per minute; allow a burst
of 5
                                # events
                                # reject 1 connection per second; allow
a burst
                                # of 5 events; otherwise drop packet
                                # reject 1 udp packet per second; allow
a burst
                                # of 5 events; otherwise drop packet
PF_OUTPUT_N='0'                 # number of OUTPUT rules

PF_POSTROUTING_N='1'            # number of POSTROUTING rules
                                # masquerade traffic leaving the subnet

PF_PREROUTING_N='0'             # number of PREROUTING rules
PF_PREROUTING_1=' dynamic:22 DNAT:@client2'
                                # forward ssh connections coming from
                                # to client2

                                # use default rule set
PF_PREROUTING_CT_N='0'          # number of conntrack PREROUTING rules
                                # associate FTP conntrack helper for
active FTP
                                # forwarded from within the LAN
PF_PREROUTING_CT_2='tmpl:ftp any dynamic HELPER:ftp'
                                # associate FTP conntrack helper for
active FTP
                                # forwarded to the router's external IP

PF_OUTPUT_CT_ACCEPT_DEF='yes'   # use default rule set
PF_OUTPUT_CT_N='0'              # number of conntrack OUTPUT rules
PF_OUTPUT_CT_1='tmpl:ftp HELPER:ftp'
                                # associate FTP conntrack helper for
                                # active FTP on the router (this rule is
                                # automatically by the tools package if
                                # OPT_FTP='yes' and

PF_USR_CHAIN_N='0'              # number of user-defined rules

# Domain configuration:
# settings for DNS, DHCP server and HOSTS -> see package DNS_DHCP
DOMAIN_NAME='lan.fli4l'         # your domain name
DNS_FORWARDERS=''     # DNS servers of your provider,
                                # e.g. ns.n-ix.net

# optional configuration for the host-entry of the router in /etc/hosts
#HOSTNAME_ALIAS_N='0'           # how many ALIAS names for the router
                                # first ALIAS name
                                # secound ALIAS name

# imond configuration:
START_IMOND='no'                # start imond: yes or no
IMOND_PORT='5000'               # port (tcp), don't open it to the
IMOND_PASS=''                   # imond-password, may be empty
IMOND_ADMIN_PASS=''             # imond-admin-password, may be empty
IMOND_LED=''                    # tty for led: com1 - com4 or empty
IMOND_BEEP='no'                 # beep if connection is going up/down
IMOND_LOG='no'                  # log /var/log/imond.log: yes or no
IMOND_LOGDIR='auto'             # log-directory, e.g. /var/log or auto
                                # saving in auto-detected savedir
IMOND_ENABLE='yes'              # accept "enable/disable" command
IMOND_DIAL='yes'                # accept "dial/hangup" command
IMOND_ROUTE='yes'               # accept "route" command
IMOND_REBOOT='yes'              # accept "reboot" command

# Generic circuit configuration:
IP_DYN_ADDR='no'                # use dyn. IP addresses (most providers
DIALMODE='off'                  # standard dialmode: auto, manual, or

# optional package: syslogd
#OPT_SYSLOGD='no'               # start syslogd: yes or no
#SYSLOGD_RECEIVER='yes'         # receive messages from network
SYSLOGD_DEST_N='1'              # number of destinations
SYSLOGD_DEST_1='*.* /dev/console'
                                # n'th prio & destination of syslog
SYSLOGD_DEST_2='*.* @'
                                # example: loghost
SYSLOGD_DEST_3='kern.info /var/log/dial.log'
                                # example: log infos to file

SYSLOGD_ROTATE='no'             # rotate syslog-files once every day
                                # move rotated files to ....
SYSLOGD_ROTATE_MAX='5'          # max number of rotated syslog-files

# Optional package: klogd
#OPT_KLOGD='no'                 # start klogd: yes or no

# Optional package: logip
#OPT_LOGIP='no'                 # logip: yes or no
LOGIP_LOGDIR='auto'             # log-directory, e.g. /boot or

# Optional package: y2k correction
#OPT_Y2K='no'                   # y2k correction: yes or no
Y2K_DAYS='0'                    # correct hardware y2k-bug: add x days

# Optional package: PNP
#OPT_PNP='no'                   # install isapnp tools: yes or no

Viele Grüße,

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