[jacorb-developer] JacORB and endorsed dirs, class loaders and logging

Darryl dc7653 at virginmedia.com
Thu Mar 14 15:51:48 CET 2013

Nick Cross <jacorb <at> goots.org> writes:

> Its not an error. In general, the retention of a Singleton ORB 
> throughout the lifetime of the JVM is not a problem. It very much 
> depends upon how the user (you) have instantiated your application and 
> your classloaders. What is the design of your application?
> Regards
> Nick

Thankyou for your quick responses.   You are right the retention of a 
Singleton ORB is unlikley to be a problem, looking at the application I am 
working on, it only start's the nameServer once at startup.

Thankyou Darryl

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