[jacorb-developer] Should jacorb-omgapi be fed into the compiler?

Nick Cross jacorb at goots.org
Fri Jul 10 22:53:03 CEST 2015


Reply inline

On 06/07/15 20:59, Timothy Astle wrote:
> I observed something odd today and I'm not sure what to make of it
> (mostly because it was done this way for such a long time), so I'm going
> to do my best to describe what I seen in hope of understanding this
> better.  I'm going to omit versions and configuration details for now,
> just so I can make sure my logic is correct.
> Today when using Eclipse, I started seeing a compilation error for a
> class that extends a CORBA stub.  This stub extends the
> org.omg.CORBA.Object.  The eclipse compiler complained that my stub
> implementation was missing implementations for the following methods:
> * _get_client_policy(...)
> * _validate_connection(...)
> * etc.

Yes I have seen that in IntelliJ and often have to place the JacORB 
stubs first.

> Basically, the methods outlined in this conversation, which relate to a
> CORBA 3.1 draft:
> http://www.omg.org/issues/issue5782.txt
> I had a colleague use Eclipse and click through to his implementation
> (which didn't have problems) and he had Oracle comments all over the
> place.  So his Object interface was from Oracle (JDK), mine was from the
> 3.6.1 jacorb-omgapi bundle.
> The build using Maven (javac) never hits what I observed in Eclipse, but
> I'm not convinced it is correct, even though it "works".  I would have
> expected that we would have been using the org.omg.CORBA.Object from
> JacORB.  So during compilation, I would have expected it to fail the
> same as I'm now seeing in Eclipse.
> So I started digging about our configuration and looking at examples
> online for any hints so see if my suspicions were right or wrong.
> I don't believe the compiler plays a role in this particular problem
> because the generated code appears to be fine, but I'll show what I have:
> <plugin>
>       <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
>       <artifactId>idlj-maven-plugin</artifactId>
>       <version>1.2.1</version>
>       <executions>
>           <execution>
>               <goals>
>                   <goal>generate</goal>
>               </goals>
>           </execution>
>       </executions>
>       <configuration>
>           <compiler>jacorb</compiler>
>           <sources>
>               <source>
>                   <includes>
>                       <include>**/example.idl</include>
>                   </includes>
>                   <additionalArguments>
> <additionalArgument>-D_PRE_3_0_COMPILER_</additionalArgument>
> <additionalArgument>-DJACORB</additionalArgument>
>                   </additionalArguments>
>                   <compatible>false</compatible>
>                   <emitStubs>true</emitStubs>
>                   <emitSkeletons>false</emitSkeletons>
>               </source>
>           </sources>
>           <includeDirs>
>               <includeDir>src/main/idl/jacorb</includeDir>
>               <includeDir>src/main/idl</includeDir>
>           </includeDirs>
>           <dependencies>
>               <dependency>
>                   <groupId>org.jacorb</groupId>
> <artifactId>jacorb-idl-compiler</artifactId>
>                   <version>3.6.1</version>
>               </dependency>
>           </dependencies>
>       </configuration>
> </plugin>
> Since the problem seems to be compile time, I started thinking about
> things like -Xbootclasspath, endorsedDirs, etc.  Then I stumbled across
> this:
> https://github.com/JacORB/JacORB/blob/master/demo/maven/pom.xml#L57
> So I'm like, "Hey, maybe I'm onto something here."  I tried this:
> <plugin>
>       <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>       <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId>
>       <configuration>
>           <source>1.8</source>
>           <target>1.8</target>
>           <compilerArgs>
>               <args>-Xlint:all</args>
> <args>-Xbootclasspath/p:${settings.localRepository}/org/jacorb/jacorb-omgapi/3.6.1/jacorb-omgapi-3.6.1.jar</args>
>           </compilerArgs>
>       </configuration>
> </plugin>
> and sure enough, it causes errors during our Maven compilation.  I
> believe this is good.
> The runtime configuration uses the following properties:
> -Dorg.omg.CORBA.ORBClass=org.jacorb.orb.ORB
> -Dorg.omg.CORBA.ORBSingletonClass=org.jacorb.orb.ORBSingleton
> so I think the runtime configuration should continue to work okay (I
> could be wrong).
> Does anyone have any thoughts?  Should I be setting the bootclasspath to
> the compiler as I did above to cause the failure? (Or is there a better
> way to do this?)  Does anyone notice anything else obvious that I could
> be missing in the configuration?

As you can see from the Maven demo and from the compiler command in the 
regression suite I do use endorsed.dirs (equivalent to Xbootclasspath) 
to ensure that the JacORB stubs are found first so the correct ones are 

Correspondingly I run putting the JacORB stubs first as well.



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