[Eisfair] [E1|E64] rsync Problem mit "--relative"
hilmar.boehm at web.de
Mi Aug 17 11:09:23 CEST 2022
...ich lese hier nur mit...
>> Soeben wurde auf 3.2.1 downgegraded. rsync meldet sich noch mit der>> # rsync --version>> rsync version 3.2.4 protocol version 31
Heißt das, dass jetzt alle anderen User, die rsync nutzen und noch nicht upgegradet hatten oder neu installieren, immer noch die
(alte) rsync-Version erhalten, vor der Marcus wegen eines "großen Sicherheitsproblems" so eindringlich gewarnt hat?
Im akt. "rsync.tar.bz2.rec":
[netutils][rsync][3.2.2][s][https://www.pack-eis.de]version 3.2.2
[netutils][rsync][3.2.2][s][https://www.pack-eis.de]date 2022-08-06
[netutils][rsync][3.2.2][s][https://www.pack-eis.de]text Internal Program Version: rsync *3.2.4*
Oder habe ich das falsch verstanden?
In der rsync man-page zur offiziellen, aktuellen 3.2.5 gibt es ein Hinweis, der mit --relative zu tun haben könnte. (s.u.)
Gibt es denn keinen Workaround für das --relative - Problem? Rolf könnte ggf. auch (vorüber gehend) mit mit einem:
# eisman upgrade --exclude=rsync
Rsync takes steps to ensure that the file requests that are shared in a
transfer are protected against various security issues. Most of the
potential problems arise on the receiving side where rsync takes steps to ensure
that the list of files being transferred remains within the bounds of what was requested.
Toward this end, rsync 3.1.2 and later have aborted when a file list contains
an absolute or relative path that tries to escape out of the top of the transfer.
Also, beginning with version 3.2.5, rsync does two more safety
checks of the file list to (1) ensure that no extra source arguments were added
into the transfer other than those that the client requested and (2) ensure
that the file list obeys the exclude rules that were sent to the sender.
For those that don't yet have a 3.2.5 client rsync (or those that want
to be extra careful), it is safest to do a copy into a dedicated destination
directory for the remote files when you don't trust the remote host. For
example, instead of doing an rsync copy into your home directory:
rsync -aiv host1:dir1 ~
Dedicate a "host1-files" dir to the remote content:
rsync -aiv host1:dir1 ~/host1-files
See the --trust-sender option for additional details.
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