[jacorb-developer] Delay in serial communication

Rob Ratcliff rrr6399 at futuretek.com
Thu Jul 26 14:31:41 CEST 2012

On 07/26/2012 05:50 AM, Kujtim Hyseni wrote:
> Hello Nick, 
> Ok, I will do what you have suggested. But, I have some questions regarding the process...
> *) Will someone of JacORB team contact me later when they begin to test my code
> *) You probably don't have 8051 microcontroller at back-end (to receive response from), but you will need to "simulate" it, thus, you will need "another" PC which communicates with PC hosting the JacORB server I am submitting. The "other" PC will listen at sepcified port and respond sime message which syntax is: first byte=length, other bytes of length-1 any contect. Probbaly I will need to supply you with the code of "other" PC
> *) But first, please do more simple test - a simple server, with an interface with just one method with no parameters which returns void but implements  Thread.sleep(5000); instruction and see how it affects your PC. In Windows: please start media player or see how your whole operating system is blocked.
Is the 5000 ms representative of how long your process takes to finish or the delay you're seeing in a simple RPC call? If your 
process is taking > 5000 ms to finish, but you want to respond to the asynchronous callbacks from your serial communication, you may
need to queue up the RPC calls using a worker/queue model or call them in parallel using a worker thread per call.

If you're seeing 5000 ms per call and you expect it to be on the order of a millisecond, I would look at your network configuration
and make sure that DNS is configured correctly or use IP addresses and turn off DNS lookups using:

# Use DNS names in IORs

If you're using a Naming service, maybe there is an issue there as well with finding it such as reported here:

Like I mentioned, you should be easily seeing sub-millisecond responses from a simple void ping() RPC call using JacORB, anything
greater likely points to a network configuration issue.


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